What was your favorite stuffed animal growing up? A ragged doll perhaps? We all had some kid of cuddling frenzy with our very special stuffed friend when we were little. And like in the “Velveteen Rabbit” I hope we loved them so much they became “real”. This very inquisitive little pink Cowgirl is an […]

Children, Storybooks

January 12, 2016

Little Pink Cowgirl!

Pink Cowgirl Children Photography

“As a child I was filled with passion and admiration for acts of courage I had seen performed by an elderly doctor, who was a family friend” Recently I was introduce as “Our family photographer” by one of my dear clients…She has no idea what her words meant to me. I was overjoyed by awe, […]

Baby, Children, Family, Maternity, Newborn, Storybooks, Teen, Tots

January 1, 2016

Family Photographer Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Family and Children Photographer

A dream is a wish your heart makes…” Cinderella A Cinderella inspired session As it is very typical of most little girls at age three, Isabella dreams of being a princess. Her dream just came true…and forever more she’ll have her very own story in which she was not just Cinderella, but Princess Isabella. We want […]

Children, Storybooks

September 17, 2015

Cinderella Inspired Session

Imagine if you could choose to be a fairytale character, who would you choose to be? There are so many wonderful fairytales to play pretend. From enchanted forests to underwater adventures, from dainty glass slippers to tempting red apples. Classic children’s storybooks can be the source of inspiration for a Happy Thoughts Studio session (and it often is, […]

Children, Storybooks, Tween

June 23, 2015

Into the Woods

Little Red Riding Hood inspired children photography

If you have been follow me for a while you know I’m a classic children book fanatic! I loved to read storybooks to my kids when they were young. We would read on the couch, on their beds, in my room, outside in the yard, but specially in forts made of blankets and quilts that would stayed […]

Baby, Children, Family, Storybooks, Tots

May 1, 2015

Paddington Bear Baby

Paddington Bear Children Photography

The Garden Princess Baby Once upon a time there was a little baby princess that couldn’t fall asleep in her own crib. It was inside a room and it was too dark. She found her star shaped magic wand under her pillow and with a simple swoosh she wished she could sleep in the woods […]

Baby, Children, Storybooks

April 2, 2015

The Garden Princess Baby

Garden baby

And so a brand new year starts! WOW! What an amazing year 2014 was! 2014 was our second year as a family and children studio, and we grew so much so fast I can only say THANK YOU! When we started thinking and playing with the idea of a second studio we really thought it was […]

Baby, Children, Family, Maternity, Newborn, Senior, Storybooks, Teen, Tots, Tween, Uncategorized

January 3, 2015

Hello 2015, A Year In Photographs

Hello 2015

One world will very well describe this session: ADVENTURE! And what an adventure it was! Peter Pan has always been one of my favorite stories (if not my very favorite!). Among many things, it depicts childhood. A boy who doesn’t want to grow up. Why? Because it is so much more fun to play, to explore, […]

Children, Storybooks, Tots

January 17, 2014

Lost Boys…and Tinker Bell too!

Lost Boys, Peter Pan Children Photography