By MarElly, San Antonio Children Photographer
Little Dreamers: Childhood Memories
I ask the same questions almost every time I do a pre-consultation meeting with new prospect clients: What memories of their childhood will you miss the most when they grow up? What are the most adorable things they like to do now or the things they treasure the most right now? Favorite toy? Movie? Book? Game? The answer to these questions defines who they are at the time of the session and what you value the most. These are the same stories you’ll want to hold on to forever and will retell as they grow older. When you style for a session you take into consideration all these details. Why? Because you are a storyteller to your child. You describe and define the beautiful, magical and wonderful childhood they had as they were growing up. Stories and memories, they will most likely forget or they will be but a blur as they get older.
This is why I love to capture who they are and what are their likes. The props I use in the set are not there just to decorate, though I make sure they do look pretty together. Most props used in the session are mementos of your children’s very own and unique childhood. They also spark their little BIG imagination, keeping them interested in active play pretend and constantly giving them space for their curiosity to be expressed. Curiosity and exploration are allowed. How could it be not allowed if it gives me their very best natural expressions possible! I thrive to capture those real, most genuine expressions. My Little Dreamers sessions are so much fun!
Storytelling Images
Images will help you retell their stories over and over again. They’ll help you hold on to those amazing moments surely forgotten otherwise if not for the tangible memory of a photograph. It did happen to my own children as every year getting close to their birthdays I would put out their baby albums and sit with them to just enjoy their growing up photographs. To be honest, it was more for me than for them. My babies were growing up and the ONLY physical thing I had to show for it was their photographs. What I realized over the years was the incredible sense of belonging I was installing in them. They grew up loved, treasured, and happy. But they also grew up knowing who they are. All because mom is a storyteller! I want you to have the same benefit! I want to create an artful image that helps you with your storytelling time. Believe me when I tell you that the value of these images is incalculable!
Little Dreamer! Boho Tent
This adorable little dreamer played with her favorite books and stuffed animals in our Bohemian set. Her mommy is very talented and made a beautiful drawing that perfectly matched the mood for the Bohemian tent. The parents are very proud of their Spanish language heritage. She enjoys the books and blocks with Spanish words in them, and so they were perfect for her to read with mom and dad on the set.
Our Little Dreamer loved the wooden camera, so she took her very own picture of her parents.
Got to love genuine expressions!
This Little Dreamer will always be reminded of their dreamy afternoon playing together as a family 🙂
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All Images copyrighted by Marelly Medina 2013-2023
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